Advanced Java 9
Students who attend this course will leave armed with new skills to leverage modules, scale applications into multi-core environments, and improve the performance of Java 9 applications. This course will teach students everything they need to successfully master and implement the latest features and benefits of Java 9 and become a more effective Java 9 developer.
This course provides an in-depth treatment of the many significant Java 9 features and updates, with the goal of demonstrating how these features can be used to improve the performance and functionality of Java applications.
Course Content
1 - Review of What is New in Java 9
- Overview of 'smaller' Java 9 topics
- Java versioning
- The JDK/JRE file structure
- Deprecation
- The jdeprscan tool
- Multi-Release JAR Files
- HTML 5 compliant JavaDoc
- Exercise: Creating a MRJar
2 - Milling Project Coin
- Changes made to the language since Java 6
- Multi-catch
- Using effectively final variables in try-with-resources
- Suppressed Exceptions
- Binary literals
- Reserved underscore (Java 9)
- Type inference in anonymous classes (Java 9)
- @SafeVargs (updates in Java 9)
- Default and static methods in interfaces (Java 8)
- Private methods in interfaces (Java 9)
- Exercise: Try-With-Resources
3 - Why JigSaw?
- Problems with Classpath
- Encapsulation and the public access modifier
- Application memory footprint
- Java 8’s compact profile
- Using internal JDK APIs
4 - Introduction to the Module System
- Introduce Project Jigsaw
- Classpath and Encapsulation
- The JDK internal APIs
- Java 9 Platform modules
- Defining application modules
- Define module dependencies
- Implicit dependencies
- Implied Readability
- Exporting packages
- Exercise: Defining Modules
5 - The Module Descriptor
- Define module requirements
- Explain qualified exports
- Open modules for reflection
- Use ServiceLoader
- The provides and uses keywords
- Exercise: Modules and the ServiceLoader
- Exercise: Using Reflection on modules
6 - Working with Modules
- Being backwards compatible
- The ModulePath and ClassPath
- Unnamed Modules
- Automatic Modules
- The JLink tool
- Exercise: Migrating to modules
7 - JShell
- Introduction to JShell
- Running Expressions in JShell
- Importing packages
- Defining methods and types
- Using the JShell editor
- Save and loading state
- Exercise: Working with JShell
8 - Other New Java 9 Features
- Enhancements on the Optional class
- Improvements made in the Process API
- The Stack-Walking API
- The HTTP2 Client
- The Multi-Resolution API
- Exercise: Working with Native processes
- Exercise: HTTP Clients
9 - Performance Optimizations
- Performance in Java 9
- Compact Strings
- String deduplication
- Ahead-Of-Time Compilation
- Hotspot Diagnostic commands
- The G1 Garbage collector
- Variable and Method Handles
10 - Multithreading
- Principles of Multithreading
- Creating a Threaded Class
- Basic Features of the Thread Class
- Thread Scheduling
- Thread Synchronization
- Exercise: Simple Thread Class
- Exercise: Simple Runnable Class
11 - Concurrent Java
- Concurrent Locks are Explicit and Flexible
- Executor Interfaces Provide Thread Management
- Challenges for Concurrent Use of Collections
- Concurrent Collections
- Atomic Variables Avoid Synchronization
- Exercise: Working with Concurrent Java
- Exercise: Sleeping Threads
- Exercise: Safe Data Access
- Exercise: Producer/Consumer
12 - Java 8 Concurrency Updates
- The common thread pool
- Atomic variables
- LongAdder and LongAccumulator
- CompletableFuture
- Non-blocking asynchronous tasks
- Exercise: CompletableFuture
13 - Introspection and Reflection
- Reflection classes
- Introspection
- Dynamic invocation of methods
- Using annotations
- Type annotations
- Receiver parameter
- Exercise: Introspection and Reflection
- Exercise: Reflection Server
14 - Reference Objects
- List the kinds of object references available in Java
- Introduce Weak, Soft and PhantomReference
- Explain the ReferenceQueue
15 - Objects, Declarations, and Initializations
- Abstraction and Responsibilities
- Low Coupling
- Programming principles
- Inheritance
16 - Exceptions
- Proper use of Exceptions
- Managing state in exceptional situations
- Checked vs. Unchecked Exceptions
17 - Profiling and Benchmarking
- List and describe the two types of benchmarks
- Describe the criteria that should be considered when constructing a benchmark plan
- Name the three most useful targets for profiling
- List four common tools/techniques for profiling
- Describe two strategies for improving performance as a result of profiling data
- List and explain the five most common problem areas for good performance with Java
18 - Profiling Tools
- Use the JDK to collect runtime profiling data
- Successfully read the profiling data generated by the JDK to detect performance bottlenecks
- Instrument your own code to collect method execution time data
- Exercise: Using the JVM Profiling Tools and Visual VM
19 - Code Optimization Techniques
- List three potential problems with strings
- List two ways to optimize loops
- Describe the advantages of private and final methods
- List two advantages of collections over vectors and hashtables
- List 4 other code and system optimizations
- Exercise: Code Optimizations
20 - Code Optimization Myths
- Debunk several myths of Java performance tuning
- Synchronization trade-offs
- Setting methods to be final
- String is not always bad
- Revisit the fundamentals of Java code performance
- How to detect a performance myth
21 - Design Optimization Techniques
- List five ways to optimize Java program design
- Exercise: Design Optimizations